Services Offered

Equine Massage : each massage includes aromatherapy, healing energy and sound therapy, The usual length of time for massage is 60 minutes except for the first which is usually around 90 minutes. Prices dependent upon area due to travel costs. The minimum charge is $70.00

Canine Massage: each massage includes aromatherapy, healing energy and sound therapy, The usual length of time for massage is 45 minutes except for the first which is usually around 60 minutes. Prices dependent upon area due to travel costs. The minimum charge is $50.00 A travel fee may apply, this can be waived if there are three or more dogs scheduled at the same location.

Healing Energy Sessions: These can be done on any species any where in the world. I promise they are just as effective if done remotely as in person. The minimum charge is $70.00, a travel fee will apply if I travel to you.

Animal Communication (Anywhere in the world because I can do it from my home and your animal will be heard) $40.00 minimum per animal which allows for thirty minutes per animal. If I travel to you it is a $70.00 minimum per animal.

Saddle Fitting: We will check your saddle fit, make a diagram, if you have multiple saddles and pads we will try to find the best combination of what you have to fit your horse.

I did an entire video on this and posted it on YouTube so you can try on your own for free! Here is the link. (My Beloved Annie is the Star of the video.)

Space Clearing: price is dependent upon area. This service is wonderful if you get that creepy feeling when you enter a room, a room just feels stuffy, or you are trying to sell your home and it is so full of your energy that when someone walks in they can’t picture it as their own. I have helped realtors sell a home in just a week after doing an energy clearing and praying over the home. $70 Travel Fees may apply

Cancellation Fee: There will be a $25.00 cancellation if an appointment is cancelled less than 24 hours of the time of the scheduled appointment.

Travel fees are based on the location I must travel to.